Need to increase efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goals


year 2024 It's an election year around the world and Newly elected governments need to step up efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including all other There is a need to focus on important sustainability issues.

related facts

  • current trend, if it continues is, then this accelerating environmental degradation will come and Aim to move towards sustainability Will fail.

  • Launch of SDGs
    • Agenda-2030, on in the year 2015 Was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly.
    • According to this 17 SDGs with 169 specific targets to be achieved by the year 2030 Was identified.
    • this program Internationally non-binding But all countries are committed to working towards these goals. sustainable development a common global effort Is.
  • current efforts
    • United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 2023was held in New York (18–19 September), assessed progress towards achieving the SDGs.
  • important investigation
    • UN SDGs Report, 2023 identified five key areas for immediate action:
      • To meet the commitments of the SDGs For seven years of accelerated, sustained and transformative action Commitment of governments;
      • With a focus on advancing the rights of women and adolescent girls and empowering the most vulnerable. Eradicating poverty, reducing inequality and the war on nature Concrete, integrated and targeted government policies and actions to end;
      • To provide quick progress National and subnational capacity, accountability and public institutions to strengthen;
      • to aid developing countries International community to provide and mobilize resources recommitment of,
      • united nations development system To continuously strengthen.
  • related concerns
    • Slow progress: As per available reports, progress expected Not there.
      • Year 2015 to 2019 Some improvements were made, although insufficient to achieve the targets.
      • Outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic And other global crises have slowed progress to a trickle.
      • global leader SDGs achieved by 2030 Agreed to intensify efforts to do so. but this How effective are global announcements at the grassroots level? Yes, this remains a big question.
    • less attention
      • Environment and Biodiversity (including responsible consumption and production, climate action, life under water and life on land) Little or no attention to goals related to poverty is a matter of great concern.
      • The current trend, if it continues, Environmental degradation will accelerate and the objective of moving towards sustainability will fail. Will be done.

Sustainable development

  • Introduction: This is a development that will benefit future generations. current needs without compromising the ability to meet needs Let's complete the.
  • The Brundtland Commission stated in its report Our Common Future (1987) That sustainable development requires concerted efforts to build an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet.
  • Brundtland Report: in the year 1987the World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED), also known as year 1983 was established in, Title 'Our Common Future' Published a report from. The document was signed in the name of commission chairwoman Gro Harlem Brundtland. 'Brundtland Report' Came to be known as.

  • Discussions
    • A team of 64 researchers Poverty alleviation, social justice and environmental protection within national and global governance to address the grave challenges of of 3,000 studies Analyzed.
      • The results were published in the journal, Nature Sustainability, September 2022 issue, in which Broader consultations were called for, particularly on Agenda 2030 implementation. In relation to.
      • five dimensions Attention needs to be paid to: global governance, domestic political systems, integration and coherence of institutions and policies, inclusiveness of governance from local to global levels and protection of ecological integrity.
      • They conclude that 'So far the SDGs have had a mainly deliberative impact, but Some separate regulatory and institutional reforms Have also happened.
      • The overall assessment suggests that the SDGs have some limited impact, but they are not a transformative force in themselves.

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