'Eta Aquariid' meteor shower


'Eta Aquarid Meteor Fall' (Eta Aquariid Meteor Shower), which has been active since April 15, is scheduled to reach its peak on May 5 and 6.

About 'Eta Aquarid' Meteor Fall

  • 'Eta Aquarid' meteor shower One of the meteor showers that occurs biennially.

  • The Eta Aquariid meteor shower is formed when the Earth Passes through the orbital path of Halley's Comet.
  • Completing one orbital revolution of Halley's Comet: Halley's Comet orbits the Sun approximately every 76 years and when the Earth passes through its orbit, 'Eta Aquarid' is formed from Halley's debris.
  • Discovery of Halley's Comet: The periodic nature of the appearance of Halley's comet was discovered by astronomer Edmund Halley in the year 1705.
    • Last appearance of Halley's Comet: Halley's Comet was last seen in 1986 and is expected to be seen again in the inner Solar System in the year 2061.
    • Orionids Meteor Shower: This shower occurs in October and also Halley's Comet Debris Is caused by.
  • features
    • Lighted path/sign: The 'Eta Aquarid' meteor shower consists of intense meteors that leave behind them Creates a long blazed path/mark.
      • Fast Speed/Communication: It is about 66 km in the Earth's atmosphere. Moves at a speed of 2.37 lakh km per second (2.37 lakh km per hour).
  • period and peak period
    • Time period in one year: The period of the Eta Aquariid meteor shower usually occurs between April 21 and May 12 each year.
      • The number of visible meteors remains low until reaching its peak around May 5 or 6.
    • Best visibility location: these showers Southern hemisphere In Indonesia and Australia These are best seen in countries like
      • Location of Radiant Showers: southern hemisphere observers Showers of Radiance Due to the location, meteorites are clearly visible in the sky.
        • 'Eta Aquarid' 'Radiant Point of Meteors'Located within the constellation 'Aquaris'.
          • Due to fog in the morning, observers have difficulty seeing them.
        • In the Northern Hemisphere, Eta Aquarid meteors are common. “Earthgrazers” That is, they appear in the form of long meteors, which appear to touch the earth's surface.

What are comets?

  • Comets are icy remnants of the time when our solar system was forming about 4.6 billion years ago.
  • Mixture: These contain a mixture of dust, rocks and ice.
  • Orbital characteristics of comets
    • Elliptical Orbit: Comets move around the Sun in highly elliptical orbits.
    • Completing one revolution: Some comets may take hundreds of thousands of years to complete one orbit around the Sun.
    • size of comet
      • Most comets are about 10 kilometers wide.
      • As comets get closer to the Sun, they heat up and expel gases and dust particles outward.
        • Due to this, their top can be bigger in size than the planets.
    • tail formation
      • Material ejected from the comet forms the tail, which can extend millions of miles away from the comet.
        • These tails are a distinctive feature of comets when they are near the Sun.

  • Number of known comets
    • Current Comet: So far 3,910 comets have been identified by NASA.
    • However, scientists believe there are billions of comets orbiting beyond Neptune, in regions such as the Kuiper Belt and the more distant Oort Cloud.

Relationship between meteor showers and comets

  • Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through dusty trails left by comets in space.
  • Visible Streaks: Comet debris burns up in Earth's atmosphere, creating visible streaks.
    • these visible lines Known as meteor or 'shooting star'.
      • A small tail behind a burning shooting star Is also made.

Characteristics of Meteorites

  • Meteors: These are small pieces of dust or rock, which as soon as it hits the Earth's atmosphere Get burnt.
    • Most meteors are actually as small as grains of sand and disappear in the sky.
  • Meteorite: Sometimes large meteors remain safe and hit the ground and then Is called meteorite.

meteorite formation

  • Meteor showers are formed when Earth passes through the comet's orbital plane and encounters debris left behind by the comet.
  • As Earth passes through this debris field, the sky lights up with small and large meteoroids.

The post 'Eta Aquariid' meteor shower appeared first on Careers Ready.

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